I just skimmed it though, because i bought that router with the explicit intent of installing openwrt.
to me the biggest advantage is that the underlying linux kernel and functionalities are not hidden at all.
then there's a pretty huge selection of packages that you can install (wireguard, openvpn, asterisk, node_exporter, 6rd to name a few).
it just more comprehensive as a solution.
in my opinion, for a geek/nerd/control-freak router it's either this or a pfsense-based box (which doesn't do wireless very well sadly).
I just skimmed it though, because i bought that router with the explicit intent of installing openwrt.
to me the biggest advantage is that the underlying linux kernel and functionalities are not hidden at all.
then there's a pretty huge selection of packages that you can install (wireguard, openvpn, asterisk, node_exporter, 6rd to name a few).
it just more comprehensive as a solution.
in my opinion, for a geek/nerd/control-freak router it's either this or a pfsense-based box (which doesn't do wireless very well sadly).