It seems they generally make the effort to explicitly call for nonviolence and the like.
I'm sure these "left wing riot" groups you mention crossed the line before, too, and had comments and pages removed.
Hell, notice that Parler got away with it, too until they didn't?
There's always a line, and sometimes it gets crossed. Pretending like nothing bad ever happens to group X, and everything bad always happens to group Y, and furthermore, insisting their behaviors are equivalent is, let's say, lacking in proof.
Yes, this is our political discourse thanks to the president. Comparing the president's insane rants in press conferences to some leftie nut on Twitter, throwing up our hands, and saying "both sides, amirite?"
You think this rot is because of Trump? Joe Biden said Mitt Romney, the most liberal milquotoast Republican in existence want to "put y'all back in chains" (referring to black people). Remember Hillary Clinton and the "basket of deplorables"?
This cancer is not unique to Trump's administration - it goes back to Reagan, if not further.