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Redhat.com's Enable Sysadmin linking to gab.com (redhat.com)
6 points by sheepdestroyer on Jan 13, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

If you don't mention things you don't like, they wont happen...

If you don't let anyone else mention things you don't like, they won't happen...

Doesn't work that way. If it seriously upsets you that someone mentions the existence of something you disagree with, please have a moment of self reflection about how you can choose to react differently.

There are always going to be people who disagree with you.

I like to purposefully research and keep informed about things I don't like, that's how I recognized the name instantly. I'm just questioning the fact of tumbling onto this bag of hate on redhat.com

It doesn't appear to be linking there anymore.

Yes, the article was changed to :

"When I type https://<website address> into my browser, the computer translates it to send the traffic to the browser's IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx on port 443"

According to Wikipedia : "Gab is an American alt-tech social networking service known for its far-right and extremist userbase. Widely described as a haven for extremists including neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right, it has attracted users and groups who have been banned from other social networks."

I'm a bit surprised (SAD) to see an otherwise quite informative article from Enable Sysadmin linking to this trash on Redhad.com

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