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Jokes aren’t included.

However some jokes already are illegal or at the very least will get you in trouble, for example there’s one word you can’t joke about in airports.

My point was credible threatening speech is already illegal in America.

Another point would be who decides what is or isn't a joke or hateful?

Do you want the companies to decide what the correct speech is, would you like a government panel to police speech?

Currently, I like illegal speech being the only rule because it gets murky otherwise.

> My point was credible threatening speech is already illegal in America.

So we agree. Trump’s tweets were pretty credible, don’t you think?

This whole mess this week happened because of one person who incited violence.

We do not agree. There was nothing credibly threatening in his tweets.

This whole mess happened because of the instigating of the media and the riots all year.

This event did not appear out of nowhere, there was major tension building and there still is.

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