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Ask HN: Hacker News for cyber security news. Good idea?
7 points by boringdeveloper on Jan 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
hi all! I am planning to develop a hacker news like site for cyber security news and for infosec folks to discuss topics. Some of the features I plan to include are: * submission of news, comments, upvote etc * discounts and bundles for any cybersec study programs, books etc * reference documents for things like NIST standard assessments, COBIT audits, GDPR implementation etc

I have not decided whether it should work as an aggregator or like HN rely on users to submit news

What do you guys think? Would you guys like a site like that?

Thanks !

I think that there's a big difference between "news stories" and low-level exploit details. The audiences would be very different.

There are existing sites with a good niche, such as https://0x00sec.org/ which might have more direct input though.

Thanks for your feedback! My target audience is InfoSec managers, CISOs, Compliance and Governance folks. They may not be so keen on exploits details. I think they would be more interested in news stories, hacks, incidents, new best practices etc

I think this would likely work better as a newsletter first that (maybe) later expanded into a news site.

Thanks keiferski for this input! I actually thought of having the site send out a newsletter based on the news every day at a certain time. So before a specific time, the site would refresh with the latest news and then sent out the same content in a newsletter. But I was thinking of keeping the newsletter to phase 2. But may be I should explore the newsletter first as the option.

Newsletters solve the user problem, in that you don’t need a large mass to make the thing work.

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