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> I also find coding without JetBrains-level smart code completion a waste of time.

Meanwhile as a Vim user I am glad it doesn't try to be smart and "help" me by obstructing my view on the code with automatic popups listing suggestions I never asked for, formatting "corrections" while I type that make my sequence of inputs incorrect, and tab management that feels like a struggle without using the mouse. Meanwhile I once spent minutes trying to find a syntax error in intelliJ because while it did indicate with a red box that it found an error there was no indicator for its location...but I sure was glad it marked all warnings and apparently incorrect spelling in comments right beside the taskbar.

Vim respects my time and attention and has virtually no limitation when it comes to defining keyboard shortcuts. No, it doesn't have a bulk replace that's actually semantically aware, but it took me not more than a day to write a "close enough" replacement in Vimscript.

Or, to quote Jonathan Blow's excitement while using VS: "Is there a setting to fire the people who designed this UI?"

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