But thanks! Good to know all these accusations are just fake news. Just as I assumed. He did tell them to “go home” though... but most fake news media won’t report that.
In his minute-long video he spent about 1 second to tell people to go home. The rest was repeating conspiracies, and telling the people rioting that they're special. It's unbelievable.
He ended his speech by telling them to go to the capital and be strong republicans and then after they forcefully invaded the capital building he made a video saying to be nice to the cops and he loves them.
I saw a 1 minute clip of him talking where he spent 50 seconds fueling the fire with "we won this landslide election and it was stolen from us there was no way we lost Georgia" and ten seconds of "but go home and be peaceful"
People say it was his Tweets but they were censored...