Not ignorant, especially if trying to understand something!
The idea with Nazi Germany was that it didn't suddenly pop into existence, as many would believe. It had a long, gradual, slide into it.
In 1932 there was The Beer Hall Putsch [0] when the nazis tried to get the power but failed. As a consequence, Hitler was jailed and wrote his book and after he got out he continued his ascent.
The scary implication of the comment is that even if this coup attempt fails, the USA is down a long slide out of democracy and this is just the beginning.
It is quite scary for me as a non-US citizen because I used to look up to the US. Not anymore. The current world order is supported by US hegemony. Upending this could end up badly for the rest of the world, since transitions of power on the world stage are rarely peaceful.
It's scary because the US seems heading down this road that is eerily similar to what happened in the past. And they say that history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Weimar post-WW1 trauma::Global War On Terror slow pull-out quasi capitulation
Rosewood massacre::Floyd,etc
Ruhr occupation::China's covid resurgence, and next step across the Strait
Treaty of Lausanne ending the Ottoman empire::End of the USA's role-model status
Cooking it slow...
Ps. From Wikipedia: Hyperinflation in Germany has seen the number of marks needed to purchase a single American dollar reach 353,000 – more than 200 times the amount needed at the start of the year.
... I guess this makes it a good target for BTCUSD...