> CNN Business and CNN World are different than the main CNN Politics tv channel, right?
There is no “CNN Politics” TV channel, nor is there a “CNN World” (“CNN International” is a thing, though) or “CNN Business” (there used to be CNNfn, but its been gone for more than a decade) channel.
“Business”, “Politics”, and “World” are sections of the CNN website; the corresponding content would generally all be covered, on TV, by the main CNN channel.
The truth is most news and media organizations who have established television networks (MSNBC, CNN, FOX, Whatever else) also have separate editorial for linear programming and digital news. They don't serve the same purpose or the same audience. It's why you can find CNN digital as less biased than CNN linear or Fox News digital might call a state early because their analysis says one thing but the talking heads say another.
EDIT: I don't like CNN fwiw.