The people storming those buildings think an election was stolen from them, and no amount of 'fact check' thinkpieces in the NYTimes is going to convince them otherwise. Unless strong measures are put into place so both sides can have confidence in the outcomes of future elections, I expect more of this to occur.
> The people storming those buildings think an election was stolen from them, and no amount of 'fact check' thinkpieces in the NYTimes is going to convince them otherwise
Even with strong measures these people aren't going to accept something contrary to their world view. There's no satiating the blood lust of a fascist movement like Q Anon--thats why people refer to fascism as a death spiral.
That's why I'm saying your blaming of the "left" is wrong: you're just trying to shoe horn yourself into the protagonist of reality by saying that this mob of lunatics agrees with your pet issue. They are literally storming capitol buildings, yet you think that they will suddenly trust the government in the future.
> Even with strong measures these people aren't going to accept something contrary to their world view. There's no satiating the blood lust of a fascist movement like Q Anon
Only a fringe minority of the right actually believes in this. Most rightwingers, according to this Pew survey, don't even know what QAnon is, and surprisingly, they're even less likely to be familiar with it than progressives, suggesting progressives exaggerate its influence:
The election integrity issue is another matter, and I could easily see most on the right coming away from the 2020 election thinking that it was stolen out from under them, through ballot box stuffing, dead voters, repeat-voters, and illegal immigrant voters. But I doubt the left will compromise even slightly on this issue, and will just keep 'fact checking' it in the hope that it will go away, and denounce measures like voter ID laws as disenfranchisement.
You know what also couldn’t convince them? The courts, state election officials, and the constitutionally mandated procedure for finalizing the electoral college’s choice. You’re right the nytimes doesn’t certify elections. But insurrection doesn’t decertify them.
There are no reforms or concessions that will will restore trust in elections among these traitors. Their lack of trust is bad faith, secondary to their devotion to a strongman.
The solution in this case is not bad faith compromise, but the grit and determination to say no and put down insurrection through impeachment and prosecution.
The Democratic and Republican Party agree that it is in their interest to retain the two-party system induced from FPTP voting and the Electoral College and that is unlikely to change through reform from my point of view.