There is nothing those protestors would like more than a violent response. Imagine the social media response. The leadership is scared of sparking a bigger fire
No, this is a key difference between the sides of this issue. The people in DC aren’t looking for a response on social media - they’re looking for a response in real life, with arms if necessary. I think they may well get it this time, too.
The Left doesn’t seem to realize the table stakes are different with this.
They aren't really though. There's nothing particularly special about DC. The same sentators and congress can meet anywhere to do their job, and just ignore these folks
What'll really spark a bigger fire is if the protesters are given time to do what they say they want, and recruit some congressmembers to declare Trump the election winner.
This is nonsense, it's not how it works, Congress cannot choose the president unless no candidate gets a majority of Electoral College votes. Trump unquestionably lacks a majority of state certified Electoral College votes. And Biden unquestionably has a majority of state certified Electoral College votes - and per the Electoral Counts Act those certifications made by the safe harbor date, which was December 8, cannot be disputed by Congress.
Everything else going on is a show. And it is working insofar as Trump's sore loser supporters have sent him more money after the election than before the election. They love the lies. They hate the truth. They lack the coping skill to deal with truth, so they sign up for the lies. They purchase lies as a product, that is what Trump sells. It's who he has always been and always will be.
Trump right now: we had an election, that was stolen from us, it was a landslide election, and everyone knows it, especially the other side...but you have to go home now, we have to have peace.
they took it away from me, from you, from our country
this was a fraudulent many are treated with evil...go home in peace
Translation: We won, but you gotta go home. They stole from me, from you, from the country, but you gotta go home. They are evil, but you gotta go home.
He is unfit for office. He's ill. The proper thing to do is wrap up the counting of ascertained Electoral College votes, declare Biden the winner. And then the House should immediately impeach Trump. And then the Senators can choose to remove him from office and ban him from ever holding public office again. That is the proper way to end this.
Storming the Capitol building isn't how it works either, but it happened! The whole point of a coup is to dictate new rules for how it works, by looking at things you cannot do and deciding to do them. Don't get me wrong, "they come back and finish the count" is the overwhelmingly likely outcome, but we can't ignore coup attempts just because they aren't likely to work.
The capitol building doesn't make decisions though. The building grants no legitimacy. Just because there's people on the capitol building, doesn't mean anyone will listen to them.
Trump has been attempting an autogolpe for weeks. That will be his legacy. That will be the legacy of those who have been supporting him since the election.
Whether they are delusional or they want an autocracy, I can't assess and it doesn't even matter. I'd consider both example of mental illness, but this is a country with a culture that persists in not taking mental illness seriously. Including the one manifested by the sitting president. The solution is to remove him from office without any delay beyond the certification of the Electoral College.