I'm pretty sure System76 would really love to design an build macbook level laptops with M1 level chips, but how the hell are they ever supposed to get there?
It took Apple, what, 13 years from the iPhone to the M1, surfing on the wave of success of the iPhone.
There isn't even a processor vendor that is capable of supplying them an M1 level chip.
I didn't say that System76 needs to pump out an M1-comparable laptop off the bat.
In fact, my comment specifically notes "non-rebranded laptop shell" as that would go a long way to turning around the cheap feeling they currently have.
Yes, sorry, I was getting ahead of myself, mixing in the M1 stuff.
But my point still stands: it's hard for them to do their own design with the numbers they sell. They started with desktops, because it's easier to do them custom. I hope they will be able to grow into being able to do custom laptops as well.
It took Apple, what, 13 years from the iPhone to the M1, surfing on the wave of success of the iPhone.
There isn't even a processor vendor that is capable of supplying them an M1 level chip.