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I spent a few years completely avoiding caffeine and the last few years consuming a lot of caffeine (via coffee). For me, in terms of alertness or productivity, there is a difference only in the "transition" period when the body is readjusting to the (lack of) caffeine. Otherwise the only difference is that by being used to caffeine, I can enjoy making and drinking good coffee (one of the simple pleasures of life).

This is what it is for me. I've quit coffee and caffeine multiple times, sometimes for a year usually just for a month or two. Just to see if I enjoy life more without it. But I just simply love the routine of coffee in the morning. Also I've found nothing that compares to the flavor of black coffee. I only drink coffee in the morning, but several cups (french press). One of the simple pleasures in life for me as well.

What you have actually found is that coffee radically changes the way your brain works. It is easy to misappropriate this to the taste.

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