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I rebuilt my old browser based racing game from 2006
7 points by ThomWilhelm3 on Jan 5, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Hey there!

I used to run a fairly popular browser based racing game back in the day like around ~2006, and during Covid et al. I've had some time to redo it and would love some new player feedback.


I really don't know if there's much of a market for these types of text based games anymore, but if you've got 30 mins to kill it would be fun :) Feedback welcome.

Cheers, Thom.

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What I would love is some video or screenshots before registering, did you use Unity

Wow I completely forgot about this style of game. I always found the concept kinda neat.

I used to play Kings of Chaos a LOT back in the day. https://beta.kingsofchaos.com/

Yeah I used to play them a lot when I was at college, I never really got into the new mobile games, candy crush etc. Shame they aren't as popular anymore.

Only for fb

It's web primarily, but can be played on Facebook also, but I'll probably drop support for this in time once third-party cookie support is dropped.

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