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> dead drop

yes but it really needs to be remote because they caught ppl doing it like that American spy in the 80s.

I know in South Korea, dead drop is a popular method of peddling drugs but ppl still get busted.

I agree number stations are overkill but perhaps some similar methods...like cartels using email drafts to communicate

But the point is using dead drops doesn't attract attention unless you already have it.

> I agree number stations are overkill but perhaps some similar methods...like cartels using email drafts to communicate

That's basically a digital dead drop, and they've caught people doing that: for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petraeus_scandal#Summary_and_c...

> because they caught ppl doing it like that American spy in the 80s. > Are you referring to Robert Hanssen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hanssen

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