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The rich got richer during Covid-19 (visualcapitalist.com)
7 points by giuliomagnifico on Dec 31, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hmm... I think it's a good idea to discuss the inequities in our economy for sure, and nuanced discussions about the impact of mega-billionaires would be really healthy.

But this article doesn't really seem to be in good faith. It measures the wealth of billionaires since the stock market bottom in March to today. I thought it was pretty well known that "the 1%" has most of their wealth in stocks. That just means that when the stock market recovered, so did the wealth of people who were invested.

Calling out names and showing a cute graphic doesn't seem constructive; better conversations would be about why the stock market actually did "recover" in the middle of a terrible pandemic with huge job loss, or how we could get to a world where all Americans could benefit from stock market recovery (401k's kind of make this happen a bit).

This article seems more like outrage-bait. At least show the graph from Jan 1,2020 to Dec 21, 2020. No need to show headshots in your info-graphic, either :/

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