That was my comment actually. You could be right, as I’ve only used visa data for advertising which was merchant names only. Lots of merchants do sell itemized data though.
Stripe/etc definitely get itemized, but credits cards get less as far as I know.
Lol, I should probably pay more attention to usernames :)
I've worked on the payment processing end, but as I said that was several years ago, as well as on the consumer data end (e.g. using services like Plaid). You could equally be right about what ends up going from Stripe/Braintree/etc to Visa/Mastercard/etc, though comments/links about Level 3 payment data make me think that the itemized level of detail will increase in usage, and also as you say transactional data is certainly bought and sold outside of the payment networks.
Stripe/etc definitely get itemized, but credits cards get less as far as I know.