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Ask HN: 80/20 online privacy tips
9 points by ramshorst on Dec 29, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
The scarce ressource mostly being time, what things should I consider implementing in my life to ensure better privacy ?

- Don't use social media apps or non-essential apps in general. They usually track you much more thoroughly than any website.

- Use a privacy-friendly browser without an agenda, e.g. Firefox or Brave.

- Use trustworthy extensions to block as many trackers as possible. uBlock origin and Privacy Badger for example. Beware of extensions with commercial entities behind them, like Ghostery or Web of Trust, they actually also collect your data in various ways.

I find that a dns service like NextDNS is a good low-effort additional layer helping with ad trackers.

I find temporary containers and sanitized URLs exceptionally good.

Zero effort to set up on Firefox, only cause issues in 1/10000 websites, and bring in significant privacy and security benefits.

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