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I moved to splitting my bashrc into multiple files and having my main bashrc source them from a ~/.bashrcd directory.

At heart it's a short snippet that just checks for existence and sources each file in the directory:


I added aliases to list/edit/remove entries from the .bashrcd directory and resource it. And a script I can call with a one-liner to edit bashrc on a new machine to add the sourcing and the helper aliases.

It'll load alphabetically so I can prefix entries with a number to specify load order (defaulting to 0100 so I don't need to specify this in the commands unless I explicitly changed them).

So the end result is that I can quickly edit or create a new bashrc entry by running 'ebrc entryname'. This opens ~/.bashrcd/0100--entryname in vi, and when it's saved it'll re-source so the add/change takes effect immediately.

Or 'lbrc' to list contents of the directory, or 'rbrc entryname' to remove ~/.bashrcd/0100--entryname

It's fairly simplistic but takes away most of the cognitive load of managing a complex bashrc.

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