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What Happens When the 1% Move to Miami and Austin (bloomberg.com)
6 points by rbanffy on Dec 27, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Ask Vancouver. Average house: $950k

"In March 2020, Vancouver home ownership costs were 80% of the median household income."


Higher real estate prices, happy brokers, more private jets, more traffic, more bottle service, gentrification accelerated, and more post-pandemic conferences and speeches on how they will save the world.

Higher valuations, property taxes, more homeless to complain about in a few years.

It’s like it isn’t already more expensive to live in 78704 than The Mission. Stick a fork in it.

Honestly, these people are like locusts.

Everyone is a sinner, I moved to SF in the 90's. But it's still annoying to listen to 20-30 something tech bro's bitch about the able bodied homeless living on the streets.

Seeing a lot of pessimism and comparisons to the current situation in SF. These cities will likely have completely different outcomes than previous examples. Whether better or worse, it's such a macro scale event that any predictions are meaningless.

>South Florida is one of the new destinations for the wealthiest Americans.

IIRC South Florida is actually one of the old destinations for the wealthiest Americans.

I never had a chance to experience the creative side of Miami before moving out of my parents'. Sad to see its timeline is being shortened.

Better flood mitigation in Fla. and more jewellery on the "keep Austin weird" signage.

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