Figma isn’t very good. It’s better than sketch for prototyping, but not as good for vector. It’s also web based, so it’s painfully slow. I also think it’s a bit expensive.
> Gsuite
Google is an evil company, but it’s a choice between giving an evil company money, or using a terrible product (O365). I have to focus on the business, not wondering why Outlook isn’t filtering Spam. So Gsuite it is.
> Gusto
Gusto is fine really. I contemplated putting this one in the Happily category, but ultimately decided to move it down given that I do think it’s a bit expensive for what you get.
> Stripe
Stripe’s core payment processing is obviously the best around. Where I have issue with Stripe is in the fees they charge (pretty high), and their new Customer Billing Portal. It’s a half baked product that doesn’t support even slightly complex billing mechanisms.
> Netlify
Netfliy is a good product, and I enjoy using it, but their pricing is strange. I can host 10 sites for free but it’s $15 per user for a collaborator? Seems weird. I’d happily pay say $30/m for unlimited users.
The only reason I have Microsoft 365 is Excel. Everything else I can live with GSuite. I also like to have my software and data on my local drive if I want. If Excel isn't needed, GSuite it is!
Figma isn’t very good. It’s better than sketch for prototyping, but not as good for vector. It’s also web based, so it’s painfully slow. I also think it’s a bit expensive.
> Gsuite
Google is an evil company, but it’s a choice between giving an evil company money, or using a terrible product (O365). I have to focus on the business, not wondering why Outlook isn’t filtering Spam. So Gsuite it is.
> Gusto
Gusto is fine really. I contemplated putting this one in the Happily category, but ultimately decided to move it down given that I do think it’s a bit expensive for what you get.
> Stripe
Stripe’s core payment processing is obviously the best around. Where I have issue with Stripe is in the fees they charge (pretty high), and their new Customer Billing Portal. It’s a half baked product that doesn’t support even slightly complex billing mechanisms.
> Netlify
Netfliy is a good product, and I enjoy using it, but their pricing is strange. I can host 10 sites for free but it’s $15 per user for a collaborator? Seems weird. I’d happily pay say $30/m for unlimited users.