If you enjoy this, don't miss the video lecture on World War 2-era mechanical fire control computers by the U.S. Navy. I learned you can do a lot of computations with gears and shafts.
Another great older film is "Similarities of Wave Behavior" [1] from Bell Labs. It was aimed at college students, and covers in a very clear way these topics: reflection of waves from free and clamped ends, superposition, standing waves and resonance, energy loss by impedance mismatching, and reduction of energy loss by quarter-wave and tapered-section transformers.
I always use this video to explain how Time Domain Reflectometry finds a broken cable in a wall. Not everyone is familiar with the idea that a cable going to nowhere can have voltage and current.
Thank you so much for linking to this. I knew about many of the concepts in an abstract sense but this cemented them all together for me in an intuitive way.