> "She's our Betty Crocker. She's our symbol of excellence," Joe Abrams, one of Mavis Beacon's creators told VICE in an interview. Abrams was one of the founders of The Software Toolworks, the company that designed Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!.
About fictional people as spokespersons, we might as well add:
- Modern Santa Claus (Coca-Cola)
- Aunt Jemima
- Uncle Ben
- Uncle Sam
- Colonel Sanders
- Ronald McDonald
And many more...
It's almost as if humans are wired to respond to a benevolent spokesperson.
Wired perhaps, but they were not benevolent enough, at least for Jemma, Ben, and Sam:
"Aunt Jemima brand to change name, remove image that Quaker says is 'based on a racial stereotype'" - [0]
"Uncle Ben's Changing Name To Ben's Original After Criticism Of Racial Stereotyping" "Mars also said it will remove the image of the elderly Black man in a bow tie from its packaging." [1]
"73,000 signature petition calls for takedown of landmark Uncle Sam billboard" "The billboard sits off Exit 72 on private property and has been in Lewis County since the late 1960s." [2]
About fictional people as spokespersons, we might as well add:
- Modern Santa Claus (Coca-Cola)
- Aunt Jemima
- Uncle Ben
- Uncle Sam
- Colonel Sanders
- Ronald McDonald
And many more...
It's almost as if humans are wired to respond to a benevolent spokesperson.