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Maybe we lose trust in institutions simply because their shortcomings are harder to hide in the networked age.

You could sweep a lot under the carpet before, thus improving your image in face of the world.

I don't think we should overlook the fact that a larger part of the issue may be that there simply was much less to sweep under the carpet in previous eras. Society today is much, much larger and more complex than society in George Washington's day. (Much more complex than in any time in history in fact.)

This is not to imply that George Washington is no better than the corrupt politicians, judges and police we have today. George Washington was, by all accounts, a very good man.

My only point was that it was far easier to actually be a good man in the time of George Washington than it is to be a good man or woman today. Not even a tenth of the opportunities to get yourself in trouble back then.

The question is: was it easier to be a good man in a position of power?

My impression is that e.g. British elite at the time of American war of independence was fabulously corrupt.

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