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Ask HN: Remote Control LEDs
1 point by quizbiz on Dec 22, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
How could a novice engineer replicate the app that controls the lights atop the Empire State Building? Looking to produce an interactive art exhibit where participants can control how a mural is lit up from home. Thanks!

Maybe you can start with this? https://github.com/adambutler/balena-xmas

Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 ( possibly raspberry pi zero ) is an easy start. Don't reinvent the wheel

Embedded guy here. Concur with above. I come from a "do it in C, asm, etc" land on what use to be minimally capable processors.

Google "Python light control with RPi (Raspberry Pi)". Drastically simplifies things that use to be quite complicated for the novice to dig in to.

If you're a book reader, look for "Raspberry Pi Cookbook" by Simon Monk. Has pretty much everything you'll need to know in once place, including how to approach what you're talking about.

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