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You‘re right, i didn‘t see it like this. The current state of the web (past years) feels really like in the old times: many nagging „popups“ and despite using blocking solutions you cant get rid of all of them. Wikipedia is a good example: Their yearly call to you to spend for money is using about 1/3 of your vertical screen and you cant remove it. Sadly it seems to be very effective.

Why is Wikipedia a good example? It's a freely available encyclopedia without tracking nor ads.

Yeah Wikipedia is about the last thing I would accuse of egregious spamming given it’s incredible (and ridiculously under-appreciated) value.

The user seems to be posting about UX and navigability rather than ad tracking. Wikipedia's banner ads that take up an entire browser window before you can scroll down to the content is definitely a good example of that.

Just donate a few bucks and that nagging “pop up” will disappear entirely for another year.

Seriously, Wikipedia is a good cause and you can donate as little or as much as you can afford.

Does that work? I donate a 5er monthly and I’m still getting the Wikipedia “please donate “ appeals...

It’s like listen to public radio pledge drives after you’ve donated.. necessary but still slightly annoying.

I give a donation once a year when their campaign pop-ups appear. For me this works and I don’t see the appeals again until the next campaign.

You might need to enable cookies in wikipedia, otherwise they won't know who you are and that you've already donated.

I would say that wikipedia is a good example of an honest way of using ads.

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