The official company logo consisted of a trilobite superimposed on a pyramid, which is relevant and loosely on-topic.
Some could also interpret it to be a trillion (million million) bytes, 10^12 bytes in modern usage of the word trillion. The correct term would be terabyte, though:
Historically and still in some countries as of 2020[1], a trillion was and is a million million million, which would've been 10^18. (Note that prior to the mid-20th century, "byte" was not a common term, if used at all. The homonym "bite", however, is understood to be involved in food processing for storage. I've never heard anyone refer to a trilobite as a trillion bites, though.)
In Urban Dictionary, a trilobite is also defined as "a great word for Trekkies or others who will live in their mother's basement until retirement."[2] Where such an individual goes after retirement may not be well-understood.