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That fork is quite curious, it seems like they've really gone out and created quite an active little fork, but haven't spent the time to explain what is different and interesting about their fork in the readme.

The about summarizes it:

> Experimental Oxidization of Tectonic the TeX/LaTeX engine.

Does "oxidization" mean "a port to the rust language" ?

Yes, "oxidation" as in "rusting" as in "converting to rust". It's a bit of fun wordplay. :)

...but it's forked from an existing Rust port of Latex.

That's the bit that intrigues me; what is the difference between this port and the original?

If seems to me that upstream is C. https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/

It seems you're linking to wrappers to the underlying https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/tree/master...

As I understand/recall - the intention was always to be a rust rewrite; the starting point was 'let's take all the C and wrap it in `unsafe`'.

The issue linked up-thread introduces this fork (~ a year ago) titling it '[convert to rust] everything' (emphasis mine), and going on to talk about 'pure rust' (again).

I think the main repo's issue at least would've been a clearer submission than the fork; I initially had the same reaction as above.

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