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This page misses several editions mentioned in other places (at least enterprise and open-source, perhaps more?).

It also doesn't mention which license limitations the "community" edition has, I only found a blog post talking about them https://blog.timescale.com/blog/building-open-source-busines....

I would have expected one place which compares all available options.

Here you go:

- Community features: All features labeled with "community" on here: https://docs.timescale.com/latest/api. Only restriction is that you can't offer them as part of a Timescale-DBaaS.

- Open-source features: Everything else, licensed under Apache 2

- Enterprise features: No longer exist, we made all of them free/community earlier this year: https://blog.timescale.com/blog/building-open-source-busines...

Hope this helps.

Will pass along the feedback to the team :-)

The documentation still talks about buying an enterprise edition: https://docs.timescale.com/latest/getting-started/exploring-...

Timescale web dev here. Just curious where you got that link from? It's not linked to on our website nav anymore.

Google. When I tried to figure out what products you offer.

Ah, have to check our sitemap, methinks! Thanks for the heads up.

Aha! We will fix. Thank you.

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