Personally, I use Linux for everything, when given the choice - except the occasional game or two for which I use Windows. Couldn't ever get used to Mac. It feels a bit like linux (being BSD based and all that), but gets touchy when you actually try to do something with it. Though this may simply come from my lack of experience with the platform. And im not convinced that the productivity increase from switching from linux to mac is worth the investment(in short i can do the same thing on a system that is twice as cheap ,and without any extra learning).
However I do agree that Windows is very often disastrous in terms of productivity.
Personally, I use Linux for everything, when given the choice - except the occasional game or two for which I use Windows. Couldn't ever get used to Mac. It feels a bit like linux (being BSD based and all that), but gets touchy when you actually try to do something with it. Though this may simply come from my lack of experience with the platform. And im not convinced that the productivity increase from switching from linux to mac is worth the investment(in short i can do the same thing on a system that is twice as cheap ,and without any extra learning).
However I do agree that Windows is very often disastrous in terms of productivity.