I'm currently involved in an effort to rip out docker swarm at work because its overlay networks are shockingly unreliable. LXD looks interesting but https://linderud.dev/blog/packaging-lxd-for-arch-linux/ convinced me that it's another Canonical NIH special and probably best avoided (in particular, "only distributed for Ubuntu via snaps" means "forces auto-updates" which means "not going in my environment"). Need to try Nomad; I'm cautiously optimistic since the rest of HashiCorp's stuff is good.
Nomad 1.0 is the bomb. I've ran Nomad since 0.7 and it was usable but pretty rough in those days. 1.0 is such a good, smooth thing. Super awesome even if you don't want to use Docker at all, you can just execute random stuff through exec/raw_exec, or straight Java. Heck, run it in a BSD homelab and use one of the jailshell executors.
It's not Kubernetes but it doesn't try to be at all.