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I want to add one:

We want the right to transparent supply chains

Purism is doing great work, but to me everything in that list comes second to the assurance that my technology purchase isn’t subsidized by underprivileged people’s suffering, as is the case with most un-vetted producers of digital hardware in China and most of Asia. If we’re gonna talk about crucial market corrections, this has to be #1 on the list.

Any digital hardware manufacturer who wants to be part of the solution should be entering into a partnership with Fairphone to set their supply chain straight. I’ll start caring about the openness of my phone once you can assure me that the production of it was cruelty-free.

That's a very good point, and puts things in perspective.

Buying an ethically sourced computer does more for freedom than buying a computer with zero proprietary software or firmware. As things stand, it's possible, but severely constraining, to insist on a laptop that has no proprietary software. [0] As far as I know, it's not possible to buy an ethically sourced laptop.

[0] https://ryf.fsf.org/categories/laptops

Open systems are important to distribute knowledge and ideas to future generations without enslaving them to certain ecosystems and it would especially enable developing markets where access to education is more difficult.

Still, you are correct, it is possible to have safe and healthy working conditions without a problem. I just think there is no conflict if we try to achieve both.

Yep. Rather than being mutually exclusive, the two ideals are in fact highly complementary. That’s why a collaboration between Fairphone and Purism would be an exceedingly beautiful thing, as they’ve made compromises on opposite ends.

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