"The study, funded by the British Heart Foundation, is published in the New England Journal of Medicine and will be presented at the American Heart Association Conference today."
The only thing I could find at the NEJM right now is this correspondence:
This has a figure with monthly average score per patient; that seems like a bad way to look at symptom severity IMO. They also mention funding:
Supported by a grant (PG/15/7/31235) from the British Heart
Foundation; a grant (212183/Z/18/Z, to Dr. Howard) from the
Wellcome Trust; a grant (MR/S021108/1, to Dr. Rajkumar) from
the Medical Research Council; the National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre; and the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this letter at NEJM.org.
I'm not sure why this is correspondence, but I'd guess the main paper is to be part of the conference proceedings. IMO, the discussion would be better if we wait for the actual study to be available.
"The study, funded by the British Heart Foundation, is published in the New England Journal of Medicine and will be presented at the American Heart Association Conference today."
The only thing I could find at the NEJM right now is this correspondence:
Via Sci-Hub:
This has a figure with monthly average score per patient; that seems like a bad way to look at symptom severity IMO. They also mention funding:
Supported by a grant (PG/15/7/31235) from the British Heart Foundation; a grant (212183/Z/18/Z, to Dr. Howard) from the Wellcome Trust; a grant (MR/S021108/1, to Dr. Rajkumar) from the Medical Research Council; the National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre; and the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this letter at NEJM.org.
I'm not sure why this is correspondence, but I'd guess the main paper is to be part of the conference proceedings. IMO, the discussion would be better if we wait for the actual study to be available.
I also found this similar study:
I haven't looked at that in detail yet.