The most egregious anti-cheat stuff is actually implemented in a windows kernel driver - I'm not optimistic about this being resolved without first party support for Linux.
Welcome to any competitive multiplayer game in 2020.
My favorite example is PUBG and their insecure netcode (for the first 2 years it was entirely unencrypted). At one point the cheating was so predominant that they banned anyone running VirtualBox and the game at the same time. I was swept up in that because I had a background dev VM running that I forgot about.
As a side note, it always tickles me pink when I'm noticing a game is stuttering a little and then I realize I have 4-5 VMs running in the background. Have to love how far technology is come. 8 years ago I was struggling to run games with a browser open and now i have 5 browsers running at once in the background each in their own VM while playing AAA games at 60fps.
Kernel anti cheat rootkits meanwhile server doesnt even perform the most basic sanity checks, like
is client entity running at the speed of light?
is client entity teleporting all over the map?
is client entity allowed to fly?
or asking really "hard" questions, like
should server really send detailed position and model data (animation frame, items equipped etc) of players not in a Potentially visible set to client entity?
But then you need to pay for hardware to run those checks! (Unless of course you let players run their own servers, but then you loose control and might have your old game that refuses to die compete with your newer ones.)
It would be quite the undertaking for wine to also emulate not just the Windows userspace but also the whole Windows kernel to allow for the rootkit anti-cheat driver to run.
Anticheat is just spyware that gamers have grudgingly let run on their systems. I’d rather not play those games when I have the choice. I am 100% not aware of which games use it except for 7 days to die that mentions it in the launcher