> GraphQL is great when your entities are complicated and interconnected with each other.
It's great for the frontend, but in this case it's awful for the backend.
> GraphQL allows you to do all of this in a single HTTP request, single SQL query and with 0 lines written by backend developer.
Yeah, right. Because that SQL query will just magically write itself. Especially if that ad-hoc GraphQL query requests extra fields (or doesn't request extra fields) or taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.
As someone who has worked on both front-end and back-end performance problems, moving a performance problem from the front-end to the back-end is a big win.
You have much more flexibility to solve problems on the back-end. On the front-end, you are fundamentally limited by the fact that you have to transfer all of the data and code to the client-side while the user is waiting.
No, it can't, and it often won't. Just because you stumbled across a single application server that can do that doesn't mean it's true for GraphQL in general.
I think that these misconceptions a result of lack of experience/knowledge in graphic/databases and FP in general. I don’t see people writing assembly code trying to beat compiler optimizer very often, same thing here. We just need more competent engineers and a bit of time. If anything, we’ll move forward, to more conceptually complex protocol, definitely not back to the plain rest, that I saw many have nostalgia about.
> I think that these misconceptions a result of lack of experience/knowledge in graphic/databases and FP in general.
Which conception will magically convert an ad-hoc GraphQL query into "single SQL query and with 0 lines written by backend developer"?
> I don’t see people writing assembly code trying to beat compiler optimiser very often, same thing here.
No idea what you're talking about and how this is relevant
> If anything, we’ll move forward, to more conceptually complex protocol, definitely not back to the plain rest, that I saw many have nostalgia about.
As long as you pretend that GraphQL is magic that requires 0 backend work (but at the same time requires "more competent engineers and a bit of time"), then sure.
In thread you’ve pointed before there’s a link to postgraphie. Even without tweaks it already gives a decent code. With some little efforts you can optimize anything you want, score query complexity and etc. If you don’t want unpredicted performance, use persistent queries in production.
Nobody says backend work will magically disappear, but ignoring a generational improvement only because of job security concerns is insane.
The original post, if you’ll read it again, carefully, pointed out that you can compose a complex query in a single graphql query. And if you need this data, you have to get that data one way or another. What’s so hard about that? Now if you can make a single query to select that data, then great. In most cases there’s enough information to generate it automatically and efficiently and refine it if not. What’s not clear about that? Oh, maybe you have some magical and complicated infrastructure? Well, you have to query them anyway, right? It’s not automated you say? Sure, but you can always get insight from libs like Haxl, made by same Facebook. The magical database tool is a simple and comprehensible example (but still is brilliant in how well it works). The bottom line is that if dev team is capable of working with graphql, it’s just a better choice. Most of the projects I saw unfortunately are made in such a way that you hope they sticked to the good old Rest, because when you do that, use graphql as rest, the result will be disappointing. But come on, that’s the same as people migrating from react to vuejs bc it’s feels less alien or use mobx and other bi-directional storage instead of relay or redux, they’re obfuscating the problem for short-term benefit.
> The original post, if you’ll read it again, carefully
Literally says this, emphasis mine:
--- start quote ---
If you need to get user, then 5 of his posts, then 50 of comments for each post and then 100 reactions for each post, all connected by IDs in your DB, GraphQL allows you to do all of this in a single HTTP request, single SQL query and with 0 lines written by backend developer.
--- start quote ---
No. In general, it doesn't. There's a magical tool that they use, and they still have issues with it: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25014918 So much for "single SQL with 0 lines of backend code" when you have "weird joins that we won't optimise for, and sooner or later there will be determined DDoSers who will figure it out"
> The magical database tool is a simple and comprehensible example (but still is brilliant in how well it works).
Yeah, this magical tool is only a tool, that works with a single database, for a single set of problems, and has to be constantly fine-tuned because you can't optimise ad-hoc queries.
But yeah, dismiss all that and just shout to the world: "REST sucks, GraphQL is so much better because we have this one single tool". The moment you step outside the limitations of that tool, you're screwed. But you haven't reached that point yet, so you consider yourself "competent".
> The bottom line is that if dev team is capable of working with graphql, it’s just a better choice.
This still has to be empirically proven by anyone without magical handwaving and dismissing any issues.
Omg, how hard is it to understand that any problem you attribute to graphql, will exist in rest. Every single one and more. Also, you can fine-tune any ad-hoc query, even in that magical tool, yeah. You know, your assumption of having a deeper expertise in that area is cute. I think you’ve imagined some dud who played with these magic tools and appointed himself an expert without a glimpse of understanding tech behind it. Well, that’s not true, but if it’s how you’re prefer to fin arguments, I’m fine. Otherwise, pls give me something, maybe some examples where you show how you have a better control of something or a better performance using rest over graphql? Because I don’t know if you understand, that graphql if just a glorified json generator. Yea, it’s much harder to design good resolvers, queries and limits, but it’s worth it. After all, if you have problems quering complex nested data (and you really objectively need it on a front end) in graphql, it can be only harder to handle correctly in rest, please, please prove me wrong.
> how hard is it to understand that any problem you attribute to graphql, will exist in rest
Ok, so then you agree that the person who said that this would allow you to solve these problems "with 0 lines written by backend developer." is completely wrong?
Awesome! Great. You now agree with the person you are responding to, that these problems cannot be solved "with 0 lines written by backend developer.", and that he was correct to critize this obviously false argument.
# part 2
It feels that there are the following type of people zealously hating gql:
1. Those who for some reason don’t understand it. That’s obvious from the scope of problems they highlight. The problem of resolving the data is not really that hard. If someone’s complaining only about it, it can only mean that got stuck at the fist step: making it work. Those who got it work, talk about other problems, that are real: caching, for example. Or lack of URI and troubles with supporting linked data, structuring mutations, etc, etc.. Here, in other threads some people are saying it’s a FAANG only thing and big problems. Others say it’s a small-project scale and solution only to you problems. Make up your mind.
2. Those who would feel comfortable with backend if thinga stayed at cgi/Perl level. I actually have nothing against it.
> The problem of resolving the data is not really that hard.
Says the person who also wrote this: "Yea, it’s much harder to design good resolvers, queries and limits".
> Those who got it work, talk about other problems, that are real: caching, for example. Or lack of URI and troubles with supporting linked data, structuring mutations, etc, etc.
If you’ll keep cherry-picking this conversation will stop be entertaining. So yes, people who know what they’re talking about are discussing different set of problems that resolving data in general. I’m more and more convinced that you are not. And don’t twist my word, btw. I have nothing but respect for good old days guys and they are far from incompetent. But I f you think you belong to 2nd category, I want to point out that you can easily belong to both.
lol, no. but nice cherry-picking, btw. too bad the original (and unedited) post is still available.
# part 1
Let me break it down for you:
> (This example is pretty silly, but I have very similar and not silly examples that I just can't share because of respect for my employer's NDA).
So that's an example, an illustration. Like a metaphor, it works if other person is willing to communicate. It doesn't work if you cut and stretch it to fit your agenda. That's not an object of discussion, it is a pointer. Ok?
> If you just need to get one user object, it's not different from rest.
That simply says if you need some data, you have to get some that data. That statement is correct no matter what protocol you use. What would you do in rest, btw? Have a single endpoint, where you're trying to make a guess about what's the structure of this data would be? Having separate endpoints and have client cycle them to get what he needs? Limit his ability to traverse domain schema? In my opinion, these are f-off solutions. Because you're basically saying, that's the structure I know how to optimise on a backend, live with it. Look, it works great! What does it matter that you can't efficiently get your data? Not my problem, see, each of my endpoint is fast and simple.
> If you need to get user, then 5 of his posts, then 50 of comments for each post and then 100 reactions for each post, all connected by IDs in your DB, GraphQL allows you to do all of this in a single HTTP request, single SQL query and with 0 lines written by backend developer.
Yes, yes. That's exactly what will effectively work for that toy example. You actually can do that. Now, of course real-life is much more complicated and even if you're going to map gql to database, you don't want to map its structure as-is. It could be an interesting conversation on how to do that, but unfortunately, it's not.
But back on track, I believe the idea behind the quoted sentence is to illustrates, that you can do it, you can optimise a sequential and hierarchical query if that's possible. And in more complex cases, because you have a lot of information statically available and at query time you have a full structured query, you can know ahead its complexity and you know exactly what resolvers can be possibly executed to resolve the query. That gives you options:
1. Dumb and naive. Just call each resolver separately. That probably mirrors what would happen in rest. Because I'll repeat myself once again: you need the data, you have to get the data. In terms of transferring, transformation and querying, there should be zero difference.
2. A slightly smarter one. You can compose certain resolvers by grouping requests of same edges. That's fairly easy and should I explain why it's better than trying to do the same thing using rest, probably relying on intricacies of some query language a wise backend developer invented to solve a solved problem?
3. You can optimise for requests patterns. Yeah, that's right. You know that in order to satisfy gql client for such and such use-case, it needs certain data. So instead of making a separate endpoint with arbitrary degrees of freedom, you can have a better, cooler resolver that will perform your complex, which is exactly what you need. And if client requirement changes, he can extend that query and your optimised resolver will now work as a scaffold and additional resolvers will run on unexpected leafs. Which, again, you can optimise if you'll need. But that doesn't change the fact that client needs data. And he'll get it'll certainly get it anyway.
Now a reasonable combinations of these 3 options are required in reality. But that toy problem in topic illustrates exactly that: you can have a nice computer-assisted solution. And I don't think anybody doubt that in this particular case computer can generate a query almost as good as an average backend dev with "with 0 lines written by backend developer.".
> If you just need to get one user object, it's not different from rest.
So then in this specific example, you agree that definitely it is not different than rest, and we cannot solve these problems "with 0 lines written by backend developer." then? Cool. Awesome. You agree with the person you responded to on that specific issue.
To be even more specific, it seems like you agree that it would not require "0 lines written by a backend developer" in order to do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.".
> you need the data, you have to get the data
Thats great that you agree with the other person that it does not require "0 lines" in order to do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.".
> But that doesn't change the fact that client needs data
Awesome. So then you agree with the person you are responding to, that you cannot, with "0 lines written by a backend developer" do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.".
Great. You are in agreement with him on that specific point.
It sounds like you agree with the original person, on the specific point that it definitely requires more than "0 lines written by a backend developer" to do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.".
Great. You are in agreement with him on that specific point.
But that’s absolutely not what the original example was showing. It was showing that even an dumb tool can do cool tricks on simple tasks. And that’s because you have an abundance of information about query and schema, so you can possibly do a more high-level reasoning about how to fulfill it.
There’re design flaws, but the direction is most promising.
It is still not really clear because you haven't really said yes or no.
But I am going to take a guess and say that you agree that:
it definitely requires more than "0 lines written by a backend developer" to do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc."?
This is a yes or no question here. It should be pretty simple. Just say yes or no.
Since you keep misdirection though, I am going to assume that the answer is Yes, you agree with this original statement.
> Like I’m saying long live the backend job
So then you agree that it require more than "0 lines written by a backend developer" to do something like "taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.".
I was talking about the example originally provided, that had no data tapping with external services. That was a detail added by the guy I was replying to. idk why he decided it’s relevant there. If you want my yes or no answer, on is there an out-of-a-box solution for querying external services, then probably not. There can be, for some use cases, but I never researched them. And that’s actually not a bad idea to have some generic kick-in lib for that. So here, you have it.
I hope you understand that my issue is with the person who’s currently very busy with coming up with the infinitely recursive graphql query.
Alright, cool. So then you agree with that statement. Got it. Great. You are in agreement!
Furthermore, when you made this statement "Like I’m saying long live the backend job", it also is in agreement that there is definitely more than 0 backend lines required to solve something such as "if that ad-hoc GraphQL query requests extra fields", as that person originally stated.
I don't feel like I want to agree with that part, sorry. But I can admit I'm wrong if I had a counter-example relevant to that toy example.
I'm very confused on where you're going to with that.
> Because that SQL query will just magically write itself
Do we have any disagreement on whenever we can have a full computer-generated query for the case where there're a few tables connected by FKs which is not worse than anything a human could write? If not, can I have some hint on why?
You do not agree with the idea that it definitely requires more than "0 lines written by a backend developer" for most graphql applications to do something like support "ad-hoc GraphQL query requests extra fields"
Really? You actually don't agree with that?
You think that graphql is setup in such a way for most services, that it add "extra fields" to a backend service endpoint, that was not returning those "extra fields" in it before, and that it would require zero lines of backend code in most applications to add those extra fields to a backend endpoint, that was not returning those extra fields before?
No, because then I won't get anything from this conversation.
Please, tell me, what else can I say to make you use a practical illustration of your position constructed on top of original example? I believe it's the only form of productive communication left that is possible in current context.
He’s trying to make it like I believe in magic. Like I’m saying long live the backend job. Hell no, but it lets you to work with arguably better abstractions. And that posthraphile didn’t appear from thin air, it’s not a part of graphql, somebody wrote it.
> any problem you attribute to graphql, will exist in rest. Every single one and more.
And then you go on to say:
> fine-tune any ad-hoc query
REST doesn't have ad-hoc queries, so no, this problem doesn't exists in REST
> it’s much harder to design good resolvers, queries and limits
So, it's much harder than in REST, but somehow REST has the same problems. Riiiight.
> After all, if you have problems quering complex nested data (and you really objectively need it on a front end) in graphql, it can be only harder to handle correctly in rest, please, please prove me wrong.
Once again: in REST you know exactly what your query will be. And even if it's hard to query and retrieve nested data, you can optimise that retrieval for that specific REST request you provide. With me so far?
GraphQL allows ad-hoc queries of unbounded complexity. This is the one and most significant problem that REST doesn't have. With me so far?
So, given all that, and given that you'r saying "it's much harder to design good resolvers, queries and limits" in GraphQL, how is handling complex data harder to handle correctly in REST?
It is not unbounded, unless you let it. Once again, at query time you have the full query. It’s not infinitely recursive. And if you split fetching the data by multiple endpoints and pretend your job is done, basically delegating the problem to your clients, what else can I say?
Let me quote: "Due to the nature of GraphQL it's easy to construct a small query that could be very expensive for the server to run".
And lo, and behold, it doesn't really have a solution against it.
So you have to either revert to basically REST with a predefined number of whitelisted queries, or pay for an experimental extension that attempts to calculate the cost of query.
> And if you split fetching the data by multiple endpoints and pretend your job is done, basically delegating the problem to your clients, what else can I say?
You can say something that actually shows that you know what you're talking about. Because you clearly have very little knowledge about REST and very sparse knowledge about GraphQL. You don't even know that unbounded complexity and infinite recursion are inherent in GraphQL.
Show me an example of how you make an infinite recursive query in graphql, I’ll wait.
And I can spell it to you again, you know structure and complexity of your query before you execute it. Feel free to ignore it and disguise ignorance behind I’ve pointed out by reverting that back on me. I’m asking a pretty simple questions, while you’re deflecting with an assumption that I need to prove my worth of your time, lol
I rarely engage in online discussions and only if know for sure what I’m saying.
> Show me an example of how you make an infinite recursive query in graphql, I’ll wait.
Literally in the example provided by postgraphile. It literally shows how to DDOS a GraphQL service by constructing a simple recursive query. It literally shows how even a few levels of recursion will break your server. It literally shows that by default GraphQL - and postgraphile - has nothing against this. So yes, you can increase recursion in the query ad infinitum, which is my point that you fail to understand.
> Feel free to ignore it and disguise ignorance behind I’ve pointed out by reverting that back on me.
Stop projecting. You can't even understand what the tool you mentioned does, and the problem the tool's own documentation describes.
Secondly, it's extremely easy to add a GraphQL validation rule that limits the depth of queries; here's an example of one where it takes just a single line of code: https://github.com/stems/graphql-depth-limit . This isn't included by default because there are plenty of solutions you're free to choose between, many of which are open source, depending on your project's needs. For most GraphQL APIs, persisted queries/persisted operations is the tool of choice, and is what Facebook have used internally since before GraphQL was open sourced in 2015. (Unlike what you state, this does not turn your API into a "REST API," it acts as an optimisation on the network layer and once configured is virtually invisible to client and server.)
> Firstly, GraphQL does not allow for infinite recursion; it is literally not possible to do infinite recursion in GraphQL
It's literally impossible to do infinite recursion anywhere because it's physically impossible to write down an infinite recursion.
However, if you look at the very example you provide on that page, you will see what I mean by infinite recursion. Moreover, you link to the Apollo page which literally has this example:
--- start quote ---
This circular relationship allows a bad actor to construct an expensive nested query like so:
Is 10000 infinite? No. Does it illustrate my point? Yes. Have you missed the point? Also yes.
> Secondly, it's extremely easy to add a GraphQL validation rule that limits the depth of queries
1. This statement is not even remotely true in general sense
2. It is not the default behaviour of any GraphQL implementation (because it's inherent in GraphQL)
3. The "extremely easy" solution for this particular case relies on an external package that needs to be added on top of something else. In your case it's not even added to postgraphile. It's added as an extra middleware to some other graphql library.
And that covers only one dimension: potentially infinite recursion. The other dimension is potentially unbounded complexity. For which the following is true:
1. It's inherent in GraphQL
2. Is not even solved by PostGraphile, except in an experimental paid package
3. The primary mode of mitigating this is disallowing arbitrary queries by providing only a whitelists of allowed queries (so, basically falling back to REST)
So in the end you end up piling more and more complexity on top of other complexities to arrive at a whitelist of allowed queries, ... which is basically just poorly implemented and over-engineered REST (well, REST-ish).
Honestly, no idea why you're fighting the facts of life that you yourself even document on your own product's pages.
So you gave me an example of a nested query that is not infinitely recursive and even admitted it. The one that as I said before you have an ability to easily identify before execution, just as any possible variations both in width and depth, from which I conclude that you lack some basic algorithmic knowledge or have troubles to apply them.
I know I’m arrogant, but yours is off the charts. Thanks for confidence boost!
Ping me when you’ll be able to show infinitely recursive query in graphql. Until that, I agree, there’s no point to continue, and have a good luck with that :)))
What prevents me from Ddosing your fancy rest api? Nothing if you do nothing about it first. Why do you assign omnipotent requirements on one technology, but not another?
If your front end is coded correctly, you know every query, their exact shape and complexity, so you can optimize for it and you exactly what you optimize for. If you let’s say have a public api, you’ll have more control than in rest, no less, because it’s easier to reason about what your api users need. It’s a foundation, not a final solution. You have to do some work to get something from it beyond mediocre, I thought that’s obvious.
This problem is solved with WunderGraph. We save all queries as stored procedures when you deploy your app. We disallow arbitrary queries in production so you can test and optimize all stored queries before deploying. This gives you the flexibility of GraphQL with predicable performance and security as if it were a REST API.
The reason why this is so powerful is that you can decouple frontend from backend with this pattern. If something is missing on a REST API you have to ask the backend developer to change it or create a new endpoint. In case of the former, the REST API gets bloated in case of many API consumers. Compare that to GraphQL and persisted Queries. The frontend developer can change the query themselves. If a change is required to the API they would still have to ask the backend developer to implement it. However, due to the nature of GraphQL other API consumers don't get affected by the change. All in all you get more for less.
If you’re a backend developer, it’s just more work to do, unless you really make use of gql abstractions, they’re kind of more expressive than raw rest. For clients - instant exploitability, type safety, much more flexibility.
You only need this flexibility during development. In production it's rarely the case you want to change a query without deploying a new version of the app. So there's no flexibility lost.
You just don’t get that you can apply limitations to graphql query not unlike you when you don’t allow to fetch a billion records from rest endpoint? This what that about? Because that’s a question of how, solvable.
The complexity will always live somewhere. Just because you are a frontend developer, and GraphQL magically makes your life easier, it doesn't mean that complexity is just gone. That backend you're so dismissive of is what powers your site/app, and it needs to be developed and maintained, and has to be performant etc. etc.
And yes, GraphQL makes backend significantly more complex, fragile, and prone to significant performance issues.
It's great for the frontend, but in this case it's awful for the backend.
> GraphQL allows you to do all of this in a single HTTP request, single SQL query and with 0 lines written by backend developer.
Yeah, right. Because that SQL query will just magically write itself. Especially if that ad-hoc GraphQL query requests extra fields (or doesn't request extra fields) or taps into data that' only available from an external service etc.