Cities are the way they are because people are desperate for work and the income to survive and they are the only visible supply.
Advocate for basic income. Specifically basic income without any local cost of living adjustment. Address the source of the problem.
A basic income without CoL adjustment fundamentally breaks the system forcing people to cram themselves into cities and compete over resources. It will result in people who decide to rely on it leaving cities and moving to lower cost of living areas (revitalizing those areas too) if cities don't serve their needs.
Yes there will be inflation but it won't be unbounded and it won't be even everywhere. Cities will see increases faster because of higher demand, people on BI will have to move away from them. As long as BI is not locally CoL adjusted (Pinning to a National or State CoL value would be ok) supply and demand will adjust to the inflation.
Advocate for basic income. Specifically basic income without any local cost of living adjustment. Address the source of the problem.
A basic income without CoL adjustment fundamentally breaks the system forcing people to cram themselves into cities and compete over resources. It will result in people who decide to rely on it leaving cities and moving to lower cost of living areas (revitalizing those areas too) if cities don't serve their needs.