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I'm surprised the company chose this route, and not Adobe's (e.g. Illustrator): to let you cancel auto-renewal any time, but to charge you a cancellation fee that is more than 2x your per month membership fee... unless you wait to cancel EXACTLY at the last month of your 12 month membership, when there is no penalty but by which point you'll probably forget and will automatically be enrolled in another year, facing the same perverse financial incentive as before.

> ... charge you a cancellation fee that is more than 2x your per month membership fee.

Isn't the cancellation fee "just" (!) the balance of your 12 month membership fees (in one lump sum)?

Yes. You sign up for 12 mo contract and pay it off in one lump sum for cancel.

Just tell them there's a bug and the software isn't working. They'll cancel in the middle of your subscription period.

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