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I used GPT-2 to create a health website. One sentence was enough to get a full page of authoritatively sounding lists of symptoms and treatments. Very diverse, unlike all other sites, because the articles it generated only looked and sounded like a health encyclopedia. Of course it is going to spit back decent diagnosis, when it is in the training data, but what do you trust? An expert system that logically and interpretable explains its predictions, linking the original source. Or a language model that uses a temperature to stay on track, and randomizes its output on every new run?

Generating data with a possible high impact on lives sounds like a recipe for disaster and frankly, irresponsible. And Google would have to really solve it, to detect false or questionable information, when its not possible to rely on spam signals (like when a legit site is transferred to a malicious spammer).

Aside, I bet LeCun would be more favorable of GPT-3 had it been a deep CNN and they had adopted his self-supervised learning paradigm :).

It is self-supervised learning. Specifically, a masking auto encoder.

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