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And Mark, you may be tempted to think you can bribe SEC investigation - and superficially you may be right. But it won't matter, even if you succeed. With what I will say about the management of Facebook in 2018 around so called 'big hack' - it will be enough to make some of your investors so mad that to tear you apart alive :-) You will not survive this new Facebook storm. You better pay me this $1M that Facebook owe me.

P.s. And to tell you the truth, in addition to the scandal that will break around Facebook and you personally, I doubt whether you will actually be able to bribe the SEC and stop the subsequent investigation. But as always you know better. You're trying to fuck the devil - ask Boeing and Dennis Muilenburg what was the result of their same experience. Better pay Idiots. I really have no great desire for my name to be involved in such a scandal, from the very beginning of its creation and promotion around the world. But I can't afford to have some morons,like you, to talk after time how they fuck me in the past, while drinking in bars ;-) No one will fuck me with impunity. I hope you understand what I mean, even with my broken English.

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