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The fragility of self-government in classical Europe – Bret Devereaux (acoup.blog)
2 points by daddylonglegs on Oct 30, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The analysis was riveting as always. I'm not sure his position that Biden is a true moderate holds up though. Biden acts like a moderate, but Harris is the most radically left Senator we currently have [0], and kowtow's to BLM's view of the world, which is one of the more factionalist elements in our culture right now. I still don't understand why Biden chose her as a running mate unless his goal is to smuggle extreme leftism into power.

Not to say Trump isn't hard to defend, but at least he's not threatening to undo all the republican aspects of our government that give us stability like the left is (abolish the electoral college, pack the court, get rid of the filibuster, abolish the senate).

I wish we could all get along and row together on policies that make sense. But Bret is right about stasis reinforcing itself to the point of breaking up families. It's bizarre that it would, but I can feel it; everything has to be a conflict, and our opinions on that conflict itself are polarizing, even though that's not our goal.

[0] https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/kamala_harris/41267...

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