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>You are just a fancy and efficient autocomplete too. When you speak or write, some words have a higher probability than others

No you're not, and that is very easy to disprove. Look at the sentence "John took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be lighter". What does it refer to in the sentence, the bottle or the backpack?

Did it statistically come to you or did you need to consult Google? No, you know the right answer, it's the backpack. Why? Because you have a physical understanding of the world. The bottle doesn't get lighter, when you take it out of the backpack, the backpack does, because the bottle is not in there any more. This is not statistics, it's not manipulating strings, it's having a fundamental physical model of the world in your head, and an idea about how entities operate in it.

When you talk you don't do random statistical inference, you match language to the semantics you want to express, which is not statistical.

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