I admit I use some Google services. At the same time, I have no relationship with the non G:s of FAANG, which arguably is 80% of them (though perhaps not 80% of the influence).
I'm not sure how they can really be considered public utilities at that point. None of the services they provide are essential.
Fair enough. I'm sure I use some web sites that are hosted on AWS, I did not consider that.
> Same with Facebook and their trackers, unless you block them.
That may be (though I block at least some of them), but that's hardly equivalent. I don't depend in any way on Facebook tracking me. If they stopped, I would certainly not suffer from it.
> I use online messaging and online communication more than I use the telephone network.
That's your choice, you don't have to use any particular online messaging service. My cousins communicate over steam more than over SMS, that doesn't mean steam is a utility.