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> All I'm saying is, Norvig should have been more humble and included a chapter or two about ANNs

No, that is not all you're saying. You opened with this:

"I personally think Norvig is an idiot with regards to Artificial Intelligence,"

Not only did you lob an ad hominem at one of the most respected members of the community simply for making an editorial decision 18 years ago that you happen not to agree with today, you did it from a newly created anonymous HN account, and then you tried to deny it. Your conduct here has been thoroughly dishonorable. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I think Norvig is a smart person, I enjoy his books, papers and jupyter notebooks, but I always thought he was pretty clueless regarding AI, as history indeed demonstrated. That's not an ad hominem.

What is shameful was the extreme shunning of the mainstream scientific community to ANNs, in 90's-00's decades, to the point that it was considered career suicide to publish a ANN paper. I believe Yann LeCun has said similar things in the past[0], reminiscing the time when it took him several years(!) to get an ANN paper accepted for publication.

[0] http://yann.lecun.com/ex/pamphlets/publishing-models.html

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