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I think it’s reasonable to criticize all aspects of unnecessary consumer waste. Apple is a good target because they are highly visible. We should be thinking about earths natural resources and how quickly we’re turning them to trash whether it’s cheap imports through Amazon or the major companies. Saying we shouldn’t criticize Apple because they’re just one company in a sea of trash I think misses the mark.

Here's the keyword: cheap.

Price in the consequences, and consumers will notice. See how much even the tiny 5¢ price of the disposable supermarket bag change consumers' behavior.

I don't think it misses the mark. It is focusing on the low hanging fruit which is a smart thing to do. Apple does pretty good: https://www.apple.com/environment/pdf/Apple_Environmental_Pr...

Where is Samsung's or Google's? Or Microsoft, GE, Lenovo, Amazon, HP, Huawei, Xiaomi?

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