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Congress made a lousy case for breaking up Big Tech (technologyreview.com)
2 points by granzymes on Oct 12, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The report had the potential to be groundbreaking, but it seems to mostly have ended up as a hit job.

> Disappointingly, the much-ballyhooed document is riddled with factual errors. For example, it claims that “a decade into the future, 30% of the world’s gross economic output may lie with [Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google] and just a handful of others.” But the source for that statistic, a study by McKinsey, actually said that by 2025 (not 2030), revenues from all digital commerce (not just by the Big Four and a few others) might reach 30% of global revenues.

> To put in perspective how misleading the report’s original claim was, consider that the combined annual revenue last year of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google represented only about half a percent of global economic output. Such a blatant error is conceivable only in a piece of work that first assumed its conclusion (“Big Tech is taking over the world”) and worked backward from there. There are dozens of other examples like this.

And just like that Google disappeared the full URI from Chrome browser's address bar. The Internet of my childhood died quietly today.

: /

Ref https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/08/13/google-resumes-its-...

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