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How many are Chrome only vs Chromium only? I use ungoogled-chromium[1] quite happily

[1] https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

How long before they rip out open source parts and make chrome closed source or a much more limited licensing and start sticking all their proprietary network protocols in it so that you can't fork Chrome any longer. I personally believe that's the endgame for google.

> all their proprietary network protocols

We're literally discussing this on a post where Chrome is switching from a proprietary protocol (Google QUIC) to a standardized protocol (IETF QUIC).

(Disclosure: I work for Google, speaking only for myself)

I don't think there a single instance of an application that Google did what you described. Why do you think it will start now? This doesn't make any sense.

Google has been moving open source components of android into closed source Play store components for years now.

That's a valid point, and a good one. I certainly hope they don't. Is there precedent for them doing something like that before?

Android without their proprietary bits is a lot less useful

Hope is the only thing we got

Very interesting project. ungoogled-chromium seems to addressing many of the concerns that inhibit control and transparency. E.g Chromium even without a Google account cannot address those concerns.

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