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The article is about Campbell's book in particular, but I think most writers have never actually read Campbell in the original. They nonetheless follow the Hero's Journey slavishly because it's such a successful style of storytelling that it seems inevitable. Especially for mainstream films, perhaps because the up-front investment is so high that they feel compelled to not risk breaking the formula.

So I don't know that they really need to make a case for chucking Hero with a Thousand Faces simply because we already have, especially outside university lit departments.

Finding ways to ditch the Hero's Journey is more difficult, simply because it's so effective. And arguably we'd still be doing it even if Campbell never existed, since Campell is merely describing the structure of stories rather than inventing it. His formulation of it is surely influential, especially because of Bill Moyers and George Lucas, and that has become so universal it's hard to see any other way. That's the real challenge.

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