There's an example of the sort of chronic (pun intended) patch-driven-development, YAGNI(Y) thinking that leads to this sort of thing, in the last paragraph:
"For instances that can't/won't get updated in time, this Splunk app can be deployed as a workaround. The app executes bash/Powershell at Splunk startup to check for the above regex and add a '6' if needed. It may not be the best fix, but it does kick-the-can on the problem for another 3 years, at least until epoch time reaches 1.7e10."
Someone, somewhere is saying "but it passed all the unit tests..."
"For instances that can't/won't get updated in time, this Splunk app can be deployed as a workaround. The app executes bash/Powershell at Splunk startup to check for the above regex and add a '6' if needed. It may not be the best fix, but it does kick-the-can on the problem for another 3 years, at least until epoch time reaches 1.7e10."
Someone, somewhere is saying "but it passed all the unit tests..."