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It'll work out for programmers, since most of them would prefer ISO 8601 dates [1] anyway.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

We'd have to include the year in that case. That would mean we'd celebrate Programmer's Day on

33519519824856492748 93506249551461531869 84145514809834443089 03609304410075183867 44200468574541725856 92250796454662151271 34384707029866424866 0841225152-10-24 (2^510),

10972248137587377366 51187250237441854014 87852718646641402240 03976912394763519345 89433035139907272558 72265694506757442234 89916367725489295806 44820743649134059922 89974014200125290711 80395583868049283025 08252471959038318790 78578163379805855170 00782912424520905193 15101917968428014761 22873721212986041030 4-10-24 (2^1010), etc.

Good point. In the spirit of https://xkcd.com/927/ I propose we add "european programmer's day", celebrated on 5.12 (Dag Sinterklaasje)?

Let's all meet here again. I'll bring a bottle or two of Pastis 512 (unfortunately adjusted with magic marker instead of a hex editor) and we can blast Dylan Beattie and the Linebreakers:


This comment makes my HN uncomfortably wide.

I added some spaces among the digit sequences for you.

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