At a certain point you have to call a spade a spade and acknowledge that Thiel is apparently a cryptofascist. I wonder if this will hurt the reputation of Founders Fund and his other ventures or whether the Valley will continue to pretend that this is not a problem.
Seems that Thiel is to HN what Trump is to middle America. Blind, cult-like admiration for someone who is basically a terrible human being. I never understood either one.
any normal person that's not a nazi I suppose. In my mind being associated with Thiel should be seen as a serious stain on someone's reputation, here people band it around as a badge of honor. Needless to say, I'm not impressed.
Europe isn't more left wing than the United States. This is just a popular myth Americans tell themselves. It's just more - of everything because of a longer history. There's nothing happening in America that didn't have an earlier cycle in Europe. You'll evolve the same policy solutions to the same social problems by convergence.
Well, if history was made of opinions this would fit, but as the grandson of an actual partisan fighter doing actual fighting against actual nazis the only thing I can do with your comment is giggle.
As the Wiki states - that Prussian monarchists, nobility, Roman Catholics were enemies of the Nazis is a fact. It doesn't fit into the ideals of Washington or Moscow during the 20th century - but it is still true.
Family relations don't matter - but if you're playing that card then I'm related to William Donovan.
the stuff you read on books, I learned at the dinner table, and have a lot more context than you'll ever have. You're picking the wrong fight, trying to protect monsters because they made savy investments in the past. Not worth it man.
Hm? It's a single thread, barely active. No one's bombarding you with anything, you chose to open it and comment.
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